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Crested gecko food question

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Posted by Amanda E on January 21, 2003 at 10:07:33:


I have seen pictures of crested geckos and think they are the cutest geckos around and would love to keep one or two.

But...I have a thing against crickets.

Would it be okay to feed them just mealworms, wax worms, and the occasional fruit babyfood, or do they really need to have a more varied diet?

I know that variety is best, and I would be okay with a cricket every so often, but I don't want to have to try to keep crickets alive for an extended period of time. I've tried before and got so pissed off that I chucked the whole box of crickets outside. If they need to have crickets on a daily basis, I won't get any geckos.

Thanks for any responses.

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