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Posted by azteclizard on January 22, 2003 at 15:09:33:

In Reply to: spirulina...(long) posted by mikecoscia on January 22, 2003 at 12:34:40:

The supplement i use has spirulina in it. It's worth looking into. Susan Donoghue is a vet that specializes in herp nutrition. All she does is research and these herp formulations she sells. All the ingredients are natural and organically grown. In fact some of the ingredients are grown on her farm. I can email you the ingredient list if you would like.


:Okay I am glad we agree on the fact that just meat and baby fruit mixed together don’t cut it. More natural supplementation needs to be added. I haven’t taken a look at what you use but I am just weary of using certain products. There is no FDA for reptiles so I like to prepare things myself, its just my anal ways so don’t take offense to it =).

:As far as meat vs. spirulina goes, meat doesn’t even come close. You are right that it is more complex, but that is just one of the things that make it inferior. Spirulina is one of the world’s most nutritious foods. Spirulina is easier to break down (90-95% compared to meat’s 20%) making it easier to digest and utilize. It contains 18 out of the 22 amino acids, making it rather complete (if that’s what you where referring to in your post). It has a number of vitamins, minerals and trace elements (B, E, beta-carotene, etc). It is a good source of complex carbs. And unlike meat it is low cal, fat and cholesterol. There are a huge number of websites to check out describing the benefits.

:It really is a great source of nutrition for your reptiles and yourself too! Trace takes it every I have used it raising dart frog and red-eye tree frog tadpoles when I bred them back in high school. Have used it on day geckos, turtles and torts, even gutloading my feeder insects. So it has def proved it’s value to me and I highly recommend supplementing it. Anyway I am not saying give up meat it still can be used every once in awhile. But don’t overlook spirulina it is a very valuable protein and other nutrient source =).

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