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Re: Sorry, A Quick '?'....

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Posted by Tegan on January 22, 2003 at 14:03:44:

In Reply to: Sorry, A Quick '?'.... posted by ThaVille on January 22, 2003 at 13:45:16:

I have a couple humid hides in there and I mist them at least once a day, I've never had any problems with shedding or anything and I rarely see them use their humid hides, so it must not be too bad. In the winter if the house gets really dry I turn a humidifier (sp?) on in my critter room. I find the screen cages much better for climbing esp after being misted...I was always so worried with the glass one when they would climb the glass after misting they would continuously fall from what I thought were rather large heigts for them because their feet would be a little wet. I dont have that problem with the screen cage. I have plenty of climbing branches in their enclosure, they just seem to like to climb the sides of the enclosure better, and I have no idea why.


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