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Re: RETF and Other Treefrogs,

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Posted by Double J on March 30, 2003 at 01:19:46:

In Reply to: Re: RETF and Other Treefrogs, posted by cold_blooded on March 30, 2003 at 00:26:00:

I don't think you are fully understanding what David Doyle has written here. When he refers to mixing species, he means mixing two species of darts, and ONLY darts. You are quoting him out of context. Even when dart species are mixed, it is a FAR different situation than putting red eyes with FBTs. Go on frognet, and see what they will tell you about mixing dart frog species. Even they don't recommend it, and they can be a lot more harsh (and knowledgeable) than anyone here. And please, don't give me any of this "50 gallon" tank garbage. 50 gallons may seem like a big tank to us while it sits in our living room, but it certainly is not that much space when you figure that a small bush in your front yard will not fit in it. And let me tell you, a wild frog will use a heck of a lot more space than in the wild, especially when they are trying to escape from another animal. Are you really trying to tell me that in nature, two different species of frogs will never get more than 70 cm away from each other? Think again. The frogs will stress, die, and it will be the COMPLETE fault of whoever put them in that glass cage. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying we should not keep some species of frogs in a 10 gallon tank or anything. Instead, I am saying that escaping from potential predators is not an issue in a single species setup. This is a very irresponsible way to go about this topic. I bet there are some newbies that will read the post above, thinking that a 50 gallon tank is "big," and put some frogs together in a "happy community tank" that WILL end up in complete disaster. All for the selfish purpose of "wanting to have a pretty tank ith more than one type of animal." Give me ONE good reason as to how THE FROGS will benefit from a mixed tank, and then get back to me. Shall I say "end of story?" I am sorry for my harshness, but this topic has been beaten to death, and I am sick of of all the BS that is floating around.
A frustrated Double J

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