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Re: RETF and Other Treefrogs,

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Posted by Double J on March 30, 2003 at 02:07:42:

In Reply to: Re: RETF and Other Treefrogs, posted by cold_blooded on March 30, 2003 at 01:44:58:

No, I have NEVER attempted a mixed tank. I have a little attribute called common sense. And as for my supposed "neglect of my frogs," all I can do is laugh at even the thought of that. The only frogs that have ever died on me escaped through a newly broken lid (that I was not aware of). I have been keeping frogs now for 5 years, and I currently have over 30 frogs in fabulous health. You do the math.
I am sorry for lashing out as harshly as I did. But do you not think that it is easier to tell people not to attempt a mixed tank, rather than putting a potentially disatrous idea there instead? Come on. If you tell a six year old that you know a few people who touched a hot frying pan and didn't burn themselves, is that responsible? No, some may try it for themselves to see what happens, and they will almost certainly get burned. A newbie with frogs is just as naive as the kid you told not to touch the frying pan. Why put the idea in their head in the first place? And how much is "enough research?" I have been reading about frogs as long as I have been able to read, and I still find no evidence whatsoever that would convince me to put together a mixed tank. Like I said before, give me ONE GOOD REASON as to how a mixed tank will benefit the frogs themselves. Nobody has answered that yet. Any takers? Somebody? Anybody? I thought so.
Double J

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