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Fabulous Post Rob!!!! np -

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Posted by redwards99 on May 07, 2003 at 23:57:33:

In Reply to: Fabulous Post Rob!!!! np posted by Double J on April 04, 2003 at 12:13:37:

Hey, I am new to this board, but some of the posts remind me a
lot of things I have read in the coral reef boards over the past
almost-20 years - like people claiming absolute knowledge of
things that they have neither first-hand knowledge of, and for
which there is no conclusive evidence. Despite statements like
"Frogs are territorial", I don't think you can draw the
conclusion that ALL species and ALL individuals will suffer in
a mixed environment. There are many species of reef fish that
are territorial, but given a reasonably sized tank, with lots of
rockwork and corals so they do not have to stare at each other
24 hours a day, they are just fine - and even that varies from
individual to individual. I can't imagine that it's that
different with frogs.

By no means am I encouraging anyone, newbies or experts, to mix species, but I do wish that those who claim to have the
ultimate answers would temper their responses with a bit of
honesty and reality.

As for those who claim that their only concern is to "benefit
the frogs themselves", that is somewhere between
shortsightedness and out-and-out BS. Unless you are engaged
in scientific research, or increasing the population of
threatened/endangered species, then there is as much benefit
for YOU as the frogs. There is nothing wrong with that, but
unless you have the $$$ to EXACTLY duplicate the ecological
niche that a species is best adapted to, don't claim that your
sole concern is the benefit of the animal.


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