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Re: RETF and Other Treefrogs,

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Posted by cold_blooded on March 30, 2003 at 01:38:36:

In Reply to: Re: RETF and Other Treefrogs, posted by Double J on March 30, 2003 at 01:19:46:

I didn't say that RETF and FB shold go together. Its common sense. I said that it is dangerous, and to research it it a lot. even if you take a 400 gallon aquarium and put one frog in there, it still wouldn't have as much room as it would in the wild. Don't keep frogs if you are going to go on like that. I'm sorry for saying fifty gallons. I know lots of people with commounity tanks that have been going for years. These are knowledgable people who had done tons of research. You guys are saying you CANT put any species together, but thats wrong! You would need a big aquarium, but it can be done with no stress to the frogs. Research must be done to satisfy all the frogs need. I, by any means, did not say that all species can go together. Only an expeireinced frog keeper should attempt a community vivarium. I've seen it done. So dont go bitchin to me about all the "BS" thats been going around. I'm tired of all the crappy, negative answers people get on this forum, and I was only offering an answer with a little more depth then the others.

PS: I dont have a bush in my yard

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