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Re: I usually dont mind hybrids, but...

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Posted by Nokturnel Tom on March 16, 2003 at 21:08:39:

In Reply to: I usually dont mind hybrids, but... posted by jeph on March 16, 2003 at 16:25:05:

I hear ya, with the craze to produce the one of a kind morphs out there I don't want to even imagine the number of newcomers who get scammed in this hobby. It happened to me with some Pines and though I didn't pay much for them the pain still hurt 3 years later when I produced my first babies and people accused me of not knowing what I was talking about and accusing me of selling hybrids. I love Thayeri and always wondered what an Albino would be like, it could mean so much with a snake so variable. I saw Albino Thayeri on a website and flipped, only to read the fine print and see it was a hybrid. I think the hobby is doomed concerning hybrids. Give it a few more years....and they will be looked at the same as other snakes[of course some of us will NEVER look at it like that]. That new hybrid Pro Breeders now sports is outrageous, I mean hate hybrids or not it is an interesting beautiful snake. It almost seems as if some of use should breed snakes in their original form just to keep a captive bred population of snakes which truly are pure. I notice more and more on corn snake breeders lists it says Normal Corns...probbaly het for something. Sooner or later people will get confused and not know what they're selling. I hesitate when considering buying a snake form someone who has hybrids on thier list. I mean I have some Creamsicle Corns[kind of the exception to many people] and I'm uncertain of my Pines. But everyone who buys any from knows this...and I encourage them to be honest if they produce offspring from animals that came from me. Live and learn, unfortunately I learned the hard way with my Pines, but posting info on the forums to educate people about hybrids is needed. Some people won't care, but to others the info will be greatly appreciated. Take it easy Tom

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