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Re: yeah, here are my thoughts.....long

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Posted by Kevin Saunders on March 18, 2003 at 18:13:05:

In Reply to: yeah, here are my thoughts.....long posted by BILLY on March 18, 2003 at 02:13:55:

:This has always disturbed me. To breed hybrids, I have read how the snakes are " tricked" into breeding with each other. That fact alone raises a red flag with me. Think about it. Tricked into having sex. Real respectful, isn't it?

Not always the case, just if someone is totally set on getting 2 particular snakes to breed. If you don't believe me, just read the replies to this post:

Personally I disagree on the severity of hybrids in the pet trade. Look at it this way: hybrids make up 5% of colubrids in collections if that much and pure corns probably make up more than 50%. It seems to me that it would take a lot of dedicated hard-workers dead set on eliminating all pure snakes to eradicate them in captivity. Just because some hybrids are misrepresented doesn't mean all pure stock will be "tainted." Let's pretend somebody did buy that anery sinacorn and pass it off as an anery sinaloan. What would the new owners breed it with? I'm betting a sinaloan. What would the offspring be bred to? Probably more sinaloans. Eventually, all corn genetics would just be a memory (though it would take several generations). Also, about the naturally occuring thing-if that makes it wrong, then I guess we should be looking down our noses at anyone who has married someone from another state or even another country? Snake ranges don't expand so much naturally. Human interference has a great deal to do with it, so if two species' ranges meet somewhere and hybrids result, are they ok, or worthless because it isn't totally "natural?" Just some things to think about-not trying to start an argument. These are just my opinions.

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