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Re: yeah, here are my thoughts.....long

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Posted by BILLY on March 19, 2003 at 16:18:09:

In Reply to: Re: yeah, here are my thoughts.....long posted by Pondoris on March 19, 2003 at 11:02:06:

Hey Ian!

I don't subscribe to the theory of evolution and the idea that we are all animals, or a higher evolved race. The differences between us and animals like the knowledge of absolutes such as right and wrong, morality and free will, common sense and choices, are just one aspect. This is a whole other subject though and this is probably not the best place for it. Thanks and take care!


:Just one question, where did you get the information that humans are not animals? LOL



:: Where was this information obtained and how reliable can it be? Was the right amount of data collected from everyone's snake collection to determine the appropriate numbers shown

:: I do see what you are saying, but the more misrepresentation of hybrids out there that end up throwing back breeding plans of someone who spent time and money raising up what he thought was pure, the more the chances of mutts being hatched and less pure ones hatched. The trickle down effect may be worse than what may be anticipated. Already in this thread, Shannon and Terry have shown 2 examples.

:: On the subject of the sina-corn. The offspring may not be bred to begin with when the possibility of the babies hatched may dissapoint the snake owners since they thought they had pure anth.sinaloans and came up with mutts that they were not expecting. They will then know probably what snake threw the whole project off. This is from the stanpoint of the owners expecting the snake they paid for to be pure.

:: In my opinions, humans can't be equated as the same as snakes nor should be treated the same as snakes. This is about the hybridization of snakes, not humans, who are not animals to begin with. There are some theories out there that try to teach that we are animals, etc. I find no substance in those theories.

:: How many sini-cals, gopher-corns, and jungle corns have been found in the wild?

:: That is cool and I appreciate your thoughts and respect your opinions and the fact that you are not trying to start an argument. Thank you Kevin!!!!!
::Take care!




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