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Re: one simple question...

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Posted by rtdunham on March 18, 2003 at 09:36:21:

In Reply to: yeah, here are my thoughts.....long posted by BILLY on March 18, 2003 at 02:13:55:

::I hear of people arguing that kings do cross with corns in the wild, or rats with pines, etc.

I'm not gonna beat up on the hybrid thing any more, except to make this observation:

The next time somebody tells you it happens in the wild, ask them to give you a list of such animals collected from the wild, maybe pre-1980, (after which any wild-caught hybrid could reasonably be attributed to captive breeding & release).

There were TENS of thousands of red rats and kingsnakes collected during that time, so there should be numerous references to such oddities in the herpetological literature.

If there ARE dozens or more of references to such hybrids, i'll still oppose the practice for the problems it creates for herpetoculture, which have been well outlined here. But I'll stop griping when people use the "it happens in nature" defense without any documentation to support for that argument. As Sgt. Friday would say, "just the facts..."


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