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Posted by rtdunham on March 17, 2003 at 08:06:04:

In Reply to: Re: I usually dont mind hybrids, but... posted by Nokturnel Tom on March 16, 2003 at 21:08:39:

:At the daytona show a year or two ago i was excited to see a yearling "het/albino pyro" for sale, though the price was ridiculously low. I asked the seller about it and he immediately volunteered that it was a hybrid with ruthveni. I explained I had invested thousands in the real thing, and that people might see his snake and his label and his price and assume that was the market price for the true animal. He understood and said he'd change the label. I went back in an hour and he had changed it. Not everyone's so honest, and there's no question hybrids will have / are having a negative impact on pure color morphs. I think the saddest thing has not to do with cash but with the excitement of something new and rare--that anerythristic sinaloan probably WILL show up someday, but it may never be treasured as it should, because of the uncertainty over its lineage. The same is true for the albino gray band, which I suspect WILL show up someday, since so many gray bands are bred.

But yeah, the hybrids are often beautiful. I owned an albino jungle corn once, before i realized its presence in my collection made people wonder whether my ruthveni and hondurensis and nelsoni morphs were pure (they were). so the hybrids went. For me personally, while the hybrids are beautiful, I find it sorta like the beauty of a woman who's had breast implants or a guy who's pumped with steroids or wearing a toupee. I still have a greater appreciation for the real thing. And, of course, I have an appreciation for those who are 100% honest about their animals being hybrids. Unfortunately, we can't trust all their customers to show as much integrity.


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