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I agree...

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Posted by jeph on March 17, 2003 at 13:15:21:

In Reply to: another story posted by rtdunham on March 17, 2003 at 08:06:04:

its not the cash thing at all, it is exactlly the excitemnt about seeing something brand new and rare. I mean, Terry, you know how excited i was when I found out there was an anery.-(hypo-erythristic) pyro, its just much more interesting and exciting to see something new and pure, like you said, one day there will probally be a real anery. sinaloan, but it might not be cherished as it should because there will already be quite a few anery-sina-corns out there, but theres nothing we can do about it, I mean you cant let these hybrids go in the wild and you cant kill them. I mean some of them are so beautifull and I wish there was pure lines of what some of them look like but chances are that if you breed 2 hybrids x each other that look like each other you wont get all of those babys to be the same. I just really hope people continue to stay honest about their hybrids and sell them that way, as a hybrid.
jeff Teel

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