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Posted by azteclizard on May 07, 2003 at 20:07:55:

In Reply to: good for you... posted by mikecoscia on May 07, 2003 at 19:50:34:

The most obvious reason that Bone meal is Inadequate for reptiles is that it is essentially calcium phosphate. Pretty much in a 2:1 ratio, which is what is recommended for reptiles (birds are different, and as such bone meal is fine). Use bone meal to dust your insects and you have already skewed the ca/p ratios. I'm sorry Mike, and I don't want this to get out of control, but I don't think recommending bone meal for use in reptiles is a good idea. Calcium carbonate (phosphorus free) is what is recommended in almost all of the books in the AVS series. By the way, cuttle bone is fine, because it is not truly a bone and therefore not calcium phosphate.

:Well I meant the FDA keeping check on livestock conditions, not the actual supplements. Which would ensure the animals aren’t full of toxins when they are sold to us to throw on the bbq and eat (in addition to when their other parts are used). Of course things can slip through, but that can happen anywhere. As far as I know there is little to no regulation for the reptile trade at least not up to par with humans (correct me if I am wrong). So there is no way to positively tell if anything is absolutely safe. You just have to rely on the manufacturer and people who have used the product. I have used bone meal and cuttle bone with my reptiles with great results. I have also used cuttle bone with my birds as every bird owner out there most likely does and has done for a very long time. They are good sources of calcium. Of course reptile supplements will work great to. You just have to watch out for brands that are too high in D3 and what not. They both work great, one is just cheaper and a little easier to use.


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