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Thanks. The stuff I have is pure CaCO3, no D3 in it. np

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Posted by Amanda E on May 08, 2003 at 11:12:12:

In Reply to: sorry did not mean to confuse you =).......... posted by mikecoscia on May 08, 2003 at 09:38:24:

:The powder form can be passed easily and digested (how much is utilized, im not sure). The granular stuff, at least everything I have seen, is not digested (the majority of it anyway). On many occasions I have seen solid sand stools from reptiles on calci-sand and other brands. Any loose substrate can cause impaction if enough is eaten, especially from what basically is rock. However if the animals are properly supplemented they won?t ?feel? the need to consume their substrate looking for extra minerals. If you have powdered CaCO3, there is nothing wrong with. Most reptile supplements on the market consist of it. It is the granular form to stray away from for the above reason.

:I have always supplied an extra source of calcium when females are laying just in case they need it. Bone meal and cuttle bone are great sources. They are much cheaper, easier to find and proven very useful. Put some in a small dish and place it somewhere in their cage. Like Bill said you can use products like rep-cal, but it is expensive and way to much D3 if they are taking a lot of it in. However let me make it clear that this is just a little something extra for egg laying females, by no means should it be substituted for regular supplements like Miner-All. If your geckos are not laying leave it out, otherwise they are going get some big chalk sacs?lol.

:As far as the spraying stuff, I am not sure. I never looked in to calcium chloride. I would just stick to what?s normally used.


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