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Dumeril Monitor vs. Bearded Dragon

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Posted by Amanda E on May 12, 2003 at 12:02:38:

Hi. I've been thinking about getting a pet lizard and have figured that I would get a bearded dragon, just because I see them everywhere and they all seem like nice pets.

Well, just yesterday I went to a show and saw a lady with a Dumeril Monitor. I've liked the looks of monitors but I've always thought that monitors were nasty. This monitor was extremely tame and seemed to like to be held and to climb around on her shoulders. Would this type of monitor be a good choice as a pet lizard, or was this lady's monitor more of an exception rather than the rule?

I would like a pet that I can hold, and that won't bite (Actually, I can handle bites that aren't bad but I don't want to be lacerated).

I do know that a Dumeril Monitor will cost a lot more than a bearded dragon, but I'm not concerned about that.

I would just like to know if I should stick with getting a bearded dragon or if a Dumeril monitor would be a good choice as well.

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