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Exasperatum, or Horridum?

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Posted by ZACK on January 17, 2002 at 20:21:18:

You guy's can argue till the cows come home, but I see It like this. There Is a rule of thumb of what a certain sub specie of heloderma should look like whether It's suspectum, or Cintum In gila's, or the differences In the four sub specie of Beaded's. However, their are always exceptions to every rule. Their are Exasperatum's that are confirmed to be by DNA testing that would definitely favor more toward Horridum (lack of yellow pattern). In gila's I don't know If DNA testing Is an option, but I do know that you can have some from different locals that don't look to be crystal clear Cintum, but they are legit Cintum's just the same. Some might call them a poor looking Cintum. Others might go further and label It an intergrade. The best advise I could offer Is what ever sub specie of heloderma you are looking for try to acquire specimens that aren't on the fence, and are by appearance definite examples of the sub specie you are looking for. A super clean Cintum, a high yellow exasperatum, or a horridum with as little yellow as you can find. My two cents. ZACK!

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