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Three-toed has severe eye/respiratory disease & no vet!

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Posted by threetoedOK on March 28, 2003 at 10:20:48:

Hi, my male three-toed box turtle, a pet for 21 years, developed an eye infection with wheezing and nose bubbling a month ago. The local vet doesn't treat reptiles, but sold me some triple antibiotic eye ointment to use to treat the condition, as that had worked for past eye infections (I soak the turtle in lukewarm water for about 20 minutes, then place the ointment on each eye at the opening with a Qtip. This turtle normally stays up all year as he lives in a terrarium with a hot rock, water bowl and shredded newspaper substrate. I have an outdoor turtle pen for the other turtles during the spring and summer, but do not place this particular turtle with them as there is a bully who beats him up consistently (one time he even broke this turtle's jaw!) After that last time, I was scared the turtle would die, but with liquid feeding and time, the jaw healed ok. Right now, since he won't eat, I've been giving him Gatorade in his water to drink while he soaks. After soaking, I put on the antibiotic ointment, then place him back in his terrarium inside a towel near the hot rock, which is the place he seems to find most comfortable. Does anyone have any suggestions about how to speed up the healing process? I used to use liquid Vitamin A drops in the water for this condition, but the pet stores say they don't sell that anymore. I don't have access to a vet who treats reptiles.

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