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Re: Three-toed has severe eye/respiratory disease & no vet!

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Posted by threetoedOK on March 28, 2003 at 14:20:07:

In Reply to: Re: Three-toed has severe eye/respiratory disease & no vet! posted by Kanuck on March 28, 2003 at 12:10:25:

Guess I made a mistake in writing in this forum, I am seeking advice and not some flaming retort. The closest veterinary teaching school that does do box turtle care is at
Stillwater, Okla., about 125 miles from where I live. Since I can't seem to get any constructive advice in here other than to see an appropriate vet, I'll email the school.

:I'd be willing to bet you're a troll, but what the heck. Your setup is totally inappropriate for a Box Turtle. It's amazing he's survived this long. I won't go into details on how you should be keeping it, you can search this forum and the inter net and find a ton of advice on what a correct setup should include. As for the respiratory infection, treatment with antibiotics is your best bet. In my 20 plus years of keeping I haven't seen many turtles or tortoises recover on their own or with the application of over the counter medications. Your vet must have access to other vets that could advise him of the correct medication and dosage to use. If he is unwilling to do that he's not much of a vet. And unless you live in the wilds of Alaska, there is going to be a vet within reach of you by a none too substantial car ride. So pay te money and do whats necessary to help your pet. My prediction is that yu'll answer back with some excuse about not having a car or the nearest reptile vet being a couple of days travel away or some other creative excuse. I hope you surprise me, but I doubt it.

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