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Re: Exotic animal vet advice

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Posted by threetoedOK on April 01, 2003 at 16:41:21:

In Reply to: Re: Three-toed has severe eye/respiratory disease & no vet! posted by PHBoxTurtle on April 01, 2003 at 15:52:00:

Hi Tess, I spoke to the exotic animal vet on the phone and he told me to have my local vet give the turtle an antibiotic (Baytrol) shot and a Vitamin A compound vitamin shot in the correct dosages for the turtle's weight (got an appointment tomorrow). He said my vet could show me how to continue giving the antibiotic shots every other day for 11 days. I told him how I have the terrarium set up, and he said to soak the turtle all day in a shallow pan, with a UVB light on for 12 hours. He said to boost the humidity in the tank by covering about half the lid with plastic, and to replace the substrate with Astroturf (yes, that's what he said!) As for food, once he starts eating again, I'm to mix chopped vegetables in with hamburger meat so he has to eat the veggies with the meat. I told the turtle vet what I had done for the swollen eyes/respiratory infection without much result, and he said that was the care most vets recommend (triple antibiotic ointment on eyes, plus soaking in tepid water/Pedialyte and increasing temperature) it's just that some infections are too deep-seated for successful treatment that way, so the shots are needed. This vet I spoke to has lots of experience with turtles, even knows the various habitats that are best for different types.

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