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Got an empty enclosure..... what can I put in it.

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Posted by Sutmae on May 15, 2002 at 07:37:00:

Hello, I`m about to free up one of my enclosures, and I haven`t got anywhere to store it. So my idea was... leave it where it is and get another animal to go in there. The problem I have got is, what can I get?

The enclosure is 18"x12"x12" which works out at about 10 gallons I think.

I was thinking about getting a snake but I think that it will be too small, although I have heard of people keeping Garter Snakes in 10G enclosures. Apparently these arn`t too hard to care for as long as you get the diets correct. I`m guessing that it would be too small for a Corn Snake.

So does anybody have any ideas of what could be kept in an enclosure this size? I have got heatmats, thermostats, thermometers, lighting, substrates..... virtually everything apart from the animal.

Any ideas would be very greatfull.


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