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Posted by Zac on February 19, 2002 at 10:20:27:

For the third time now, I have helped out in my own little way. You have NO connection down here in the panhandle…NONE !! I am it, and I have sent several people up to that show. How is that not helping out? And once again, the TSHS is not paramount on my list of things to do. I am a member because I gave a talk, that’s it. I didn’t look you up, pay a membership fee, and then dedicate my life to the TSHS. I received a complimentary membership!!! I have night classes down here Monday and Tuesday nights, and use the other nights to study. I can’t attend the meetings so I don’t. I do attend the shows when I can though. And a final note, one of the primary reasons why I wrote that post is because I got up the gall to say what SEVERAL people have been saying about your organization. And don’t you even attack me on educating. I average 5-15 public talks a month. I’m not going to make a scene in your show and whip out a snake talk to better those peoples image of snakes. I actually thought that there was going to be a public demo, so he could learn about it then. BACK OFF! I apologized for crying out loud. Learn from your mistakes and stop crying about them! If you want people to help, I suggest you don’t attack them verbally like you are here.


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