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Posted by Zac on February 20, 2002 at 14:50:09:

In Reply to: Re: From an outsiders point of view... posted by Lisa on February 20, 2002 at 12:36:56:

I realize that I should not have used the word pathetic in the title of my first post! I apologized for that, and don’t quite understand why you continue to drag this on. So for the record, I am sorry for the vocabulary I used in the past postings. As far as my role with the TSHS, I am willing to do stuff for the club if you still consider me a member. I probably won’t attend the meetings, but I am more than wiling to write for the newsletter and speak at the shows. I would have said hi had I seen you, but I promise I didn’t. The true irony in this is it seems you and I have similar opinions when it comes to the venomous herps and the dealers. I like you do not think a highly venomous animal should be reachable by a child or someone with a similar mentality. I also think that harassing these animals to show off there various defensive mechanisms isn’t a sound policy either. I don’t care what kind of animal your dealing with that is not a measurement of health! These animals deserve more respect than that. Unlike the incident at the Hamburg show you witnessed, what I witnessed in one event was the dealer doing the aggravation, not a passer by. Both of these events I noticed at the show multiple times. Everyone can deny, but I and Kathy both have witnessed this kind of behavior at the show. This was what upset me. I should have been more mature and not let emotions get in the way, and I should have waited to talk to some one. Once again, I am sorry!


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