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Posted by Lisa on February 19, 2002 at 14:05:59:

In Reply to: BACKK OFF!!! posted by Zac on February 19, 2002 at 10:20:27:

You come in here guns ablazing with criticisms, but then can't take the heat when you are criticized back - well deal with it!!

We all have other obligations - don't think yours are any more important than any of the rest of ours. If you helped out, well, no one here knew about it, so what did you do? Sending a few (or a few dozen) people up to our show is GREAT! Don't get me wrong!!! But where we really need the help is with the show structure itself - you criticized that part of the show - NOT it's attendance, but didn't offer any suggestions for improvement that wouldn't require more people to be involved - and that is EXACTLY what we need MOST!

And again, if this is just a freebie membership for you that doesn't require you to make any effort to help - then don't complain when the result isn't what you had hoped!!! This is all I am saying!!!

IF you attack TSHS for it's show but don't help out WITH THE SHOW ITSELF - expect to get attacked back - my points are just as valid as yours. We have not made any mistakes, so your comment to learn from them is a moot point. We are doing the best we can with the manpower that we have - if you don't like it - TOUGH!!! Unless of course you are willing to HELP OUT!!!

Twice now you have said to "BACK OFF!!!" And yet YOU STARTED THIS! YOU took this tone. Not us. In fact, it rather sounds like you have some issues with the proper way to debate. If you had voiced your concerns in a non-antagonistic, constructive way, then our response to you would have been in kind. But this blasting out of the blue with accusations is WAY out of line. Period. There is nothing to "back off" from.

If you want to give a talk at the show, FINE. If you want to help out, FINE. We would welcome your input and participation. Just keep it civil!


: For the third time now, I have helped out in my own little way. You have NO connection down here in the panhandle…NONE !! I am it, and I have sent several people up to that show. How is that not helping out? And once again, the TSHS is not paramount on my list of things to do. I am a member because I gave a talk, that’s it. I didn’t look you up, pay a membership fee, and then dedicate my life to the TSHS. I received a complimentary membership!!! I have night classes down here Monday and Tuesday nights, and use the other nights to study. I can’t attend the meetings so I don’t. I do attend the shows when I can though. And a final note, one of the primary reasons why I wrote that post is because I got up the gall to say what SEVERAL people have been saying about your organization. And don’t you even attack me on educating. I average 5-15 public talks a month. I’m not going to make a scene in your show and whip out a snake talk to better those peoples image of snakes. I actually thought that there was going to be a public demo, so he could learn about it then. BACK OFF! I apologized for crying out loud. Learn from your mistakes and stop crying about them! If you want people to help, I suggest you don’t attack them verbally like you are here.

: Zac

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