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Re: Good Eye There Me Matey

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Posted by Bill Moss on November 13, 2002 at 07:08:20:

In Reply to: Good Eye There Me Matey posted by Gamera on November 13, 2002 at 00:30:23:

:Ya, I agree with Sk8r009. It looks like a ali'snap tail under all those hand bags.

Hand bags??? I would have expected more from people who hear the dreaded "turtle soup" comment from every other person they talk to.... j/k

When I first began bringing the gator snapper out to the gator pond, I build a section(on the opposite end of the corner in the photo) that was all screened off. I soon found I didn't need it as they all get along just fine. The area is about 35 feet long by about 15 feet wide with a concrete pool that is 10' x 6' x 2' deep at the deepest point. These animals are all in there together swimming around and stepping on one another with no problems. We have some big sliders in there that are always trying to get under the alligator snapper to hide.
As for the not getting out of water and being nasty when they are.... this one didn't read the same books that we did! It comes out on a regular basis and sits in the sun. The only animal that I have to be careful of is the common snapper - for some reason, as soon as they see one another, they angle their plastrons into a defensive position and are ready to do battle.


:If it is, I'm surprise it's not trying to chomp some gator meat cause they hate being outta water and a temper to match.

:Is it a normal thing there Bill?


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