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Gravely ill PTS

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Posted by PTSkinks on April 22, 2003 at 00:09:01:

In Reply to: Gravely ill PTS posted by brumzoo on April 21, 2003 at 22:44:05:

Are you sure your PTS is a "he"?

My ladies have had problems with gas. They go "vertical". Their bodies, which are normally wider than vertical became more vertical and they stop eating. I spend a lot of time with them, getting them to drink water and soak. Then I coax them to eat their favorite pathos leaves and then their normal appetite and appearance returns. When this happened the first few times, I would rush off to the vet for an examination and x-ray and the vet would not find anything wrong.

About 8 years ago, one lady had a different problem. My vet gave her an oral dose of barium and took 3 x-rays, as the barium traversed her body. The x-rays showed that her intestines (if I remember correctly) were jammed against the side of her body, indicating a huge growth. He opened her up and removed a huge growth on her oviduct (along with the oviduct). She has thrived ever since.

I believe that sometimes ladies retain unfertlized eggs (slugs) that require surgical removal.

Perhaps an ultrasound would be more diagnostic for your vet.

I hope Jess B and Sherri respond to your post. They both have experience and knowledge about gas and retained eggs.

Goood luck.


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