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I am very sorry to hear of Adonis passing on

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Posted by icequeen on April 22, 2003 at 22:42:37:

In Reply to: Gravely ill PTS posted by brumzoo on April 22, 2003 at 21:10:49:

I am VERY new to the world of PTS's. But to have a pet of any kind for 9 years, and to lose them is devasting!
But to have her for nine years speaks to your excellent loving care you have given to her over the years!

My thoughts are with you!

:Thank you to everyone who replied & cared. I write this with a very heavy heart. Adonis was peacefully euthanized under anesthesia about 30 minutes into the surgery. When they opened him up, a white cheesy looking material popped out. On further examination, this material was in every possible space it could fill. There was also a gelatinous material 'sticking' to everything in his body. They removed a ping pong ball sized granuloma from his abdomen. There were small nodular granulomas everywhere. Adonis had zero body fat. It also turns out that Adonis was a female. I have the pictures from the surgery & will try to get my husband to post them here for y'all to see. Maybe this can help someone else.
:The main "bug" that comes to mind is Mycobacterium. We will have to wait for the pathology report on the granulomas to know for sure. It could also be neoplasia. I will let y'all know when I find something out. I did not have Adonis necropsied, but opted to bring her home to bury.
:Again, thanks to everyone for their help.

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