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I am very sorry to hear of Adonis passing on

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Posted by icequeen on April 22, 2003 at 22:41:46:

In Reply to: Gravely ill PTS posted by brumzoo on April 22, 2003 at 21:10:49:

I am VERY new to the world of PTS's. But to have a pet of any kind for 9 years, and to lose them is devasting!

:Thank you to everyone who replied & cared. I write this with a very heavy heart. Adonis was peacefully euthanized under anesthesia about 30 minutes into the surgery. When they opened him up, a white cheesy looking material popped out. On further examination, this material was in every possible space it could fill. There was also a gelatinous material 'sticking' to everything in his body. They removed a ping pong ball sized granuloma from his abdomen. There were small nodular granulomas everywhere. Adonis had zero body fat. It also turns out that Adonis was a female. I have the pictures from the surgery & will try to get my husband to post them here for y'all to see. Maybe this can help someone else.
:The main "bug" that comes to mind is Mycobacterium. We will have to wait for the pathology report on the granulomas to know for sure. It could also be neoplasia. I will let y'all know when I find something out. I did not have Adonis necropsied, but opted to bring her home to bury.
:Again, thanks to everyone for their help.

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