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Re: Cresty favors bugs over baby food.......

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Posted by Allen Repashy on March 24, 2003 at 11:01:36:

In Reply to: Re: Cresty favors bugs over baby food....... posted by GECKOS UNLIMITED on March 24, 2003 at 08:03:48:

Baby food will definately slow down growth compared to insects. Fruit baby food has zero protein in it, and only provides carbohydrates. I agree that fed as is, it doesn't do much to provide nutrition to your gecko. It will provide energy, and can actually make your gecko fat from the conversion of these carbs to fat. Many people think a fat gecko is a healthy one, and this can't be farther from the truth. Not to plug my diets, but this is the reason for their development. To take advantage of their attraction for fruit, and provide them with a high protein balanced diet in place of the empty baby food. I have raised many geckos on all kinds of diets, and would challenge anyone to raise some geckos on gut loaded insects, and others on my Gargoyle Diet exclusively (we use this for juveniles) and compare growth rates. I have done it in the development of the foods,and the results all show they grow faster on the diet.I could however, use feedback from others... Nathan, you interested in giving it a go?

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