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ants may not be needed

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Posted by Chuck Elliott Jr. on June 01, 2002 at 10:25:25:

I've kept many sub-species of HL in the past and i also inquired with labs and chemistry people about a formic acid dust or spray for crickets. Its out there, but you'll have to find it.
It may not be nessasary though, I used to know a researcher named Brian McGurty who is probably the foremost expert on coastal HLs. I posed the question of formic acid because during a speech of his he mentioned meal worms and crickets as the main food supply for his long term captive study group. He claimed the acid was NOT esential and what was likely to be the cause of death to most captives was lack of natural/highly potent UV from the sun. His study group lived for many years in an out door enclosure on meal worms and crickets. He made an obvious comment about the shape of the Hls being flat and wide for a good reason, the need for massive UV.
So what does this mean? If you can, put your lizards in the sun as much as possible during the summer months and they'll likey live a long captive life.
PS, I've heard spiders, bee's (anything with a stinger) has the formic acid if your still concerned. ALSO, there is somthing to be said for a happy lizard and if ants make the happy, they'll probably live longer too.

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