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Oh boy! Does this mean I can feed bees to my HLs? LMAO...

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Posted by loren on June 02, 2002 at 13:13:06:

In Reply to: ants may not be needed posted by Chuck Elliott Jr. on June 01, 2002 at 10:25:25:

...seriously though, exactly how much critical thinking did you put into this theory of yours, Chuck? I doubt it's based on your actual experiences. If it were, you'd know that while some HLs can live without ants, most(like 90-95%) do not.

So Brian, this so-called "foremost expert", claims to have success after what?; 5-10% of his HLs lived on a f---ed-up diet? If the success ratio in captivity is much lower than the success ratio in the wild, how can someone claim success?

If i sound aggressive and agitated in this post it is because of my conviction that your post does a great disservice to the HL community, especially beginners, and the captive HLs themselves. How many idiots are going to read your misconstrued post and stop feeding ants? Most of these people are looking for an excuse to not feed ants anyways.

Your entitled to fling your anecdotes around on public forums, but at least try to be somewhat responsible. Surely you must know that your 'ants aren't necessary' spiel is at least highly controversial, if not down right false.

I said it once and I'll probably say it many times more; I'm sure I could live several years on a strict diet of beer and cheescake. Should I go around and tell people they don't need other food items to be healthy and live? Think about it.


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