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Problem I don't know the answer to... please read.

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Posted by dangerjudy on May 05, 2003 at 19:36:06:

I have a co-worker who just moved to Birmingham AL and into a house.
They have just gotten everything moved in and two of their neighbors
have informed them that the rocky, poison ivy/kudzu covered slope that makes
most of their backyard is in fact full of canebrake rattlesnakes and other various snakes. At first I didn't really believe this,
I have two pet snakes myself and I know that there are lots of snakes here in Alabama.
AND her husband did chase off a black king snake from their back porch - I told her the snake was a good one
to have around.
BUT... she described her yard to me today and I really do think it's a snake haven.
What can she do? I love snakes and critters in general but I don't
want a bunch of rattlesnakes in my yard any more than I want a hornet's nest.
Ideas? I don't want to suggest they kill the snakes... and for that matter
it's dangerous to try to fool with venemous snakes.

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