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tame tegu

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Posted by Rollin on April 28, 2003 at 12:35:23:

In Reply to: tame tegu posted by oitoyourmother on April 28, 2003 at 11:35:10:

Grats on getting a tegu! Mine are the same way they like me to cater to them. The thing is you don't want them to associate your hand with food (if you're dropping it or setting it down in front of him). Have you tried feeding him one then putting the bowl under his nose see if he starts eating from there instead? If the food's not alive you could try putting it on a similar plate then sliding it up to him. You might want to wait like a day and a half to see if he gets hungry enough, if he looks like he's got enough fat a day without feeding won't hurt.
Mine was skittish too right after I got him he'd run at the slightest movement. It's good that you can sit in front of the cage without him running that was the hardest part for me. I would think the next step would be to pet him. Even now a lot of times I'll put my hand in front of them then pick them up when they walk over it. I wouldn't grab on to him if he gets scared and tries to run. Is he from the July 2002 white headed batch? How much has he been eating?

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