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How does the 'Hybino' gene work...?

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Posted by OneSexyWookie on March 15, 2003 at 03:43:42:

I've been thinking about this, and I can't figure out exactly how a hybino gene works. This may(and probably is) a flawed way of thinking about this, but here it is anyways...

As I understand it, an albino is amelanism(no melanin produced). And a hypomelanistic has reduced melanin, right...? I was thinking(or maybe not!) and thought to assign arbitrary numbers coreponding with mealnin production:
A normal, produces normal level right? Make that equal a 1.
Hypo is reduced - assign that a 0.5
Albino produces none. Make that equal 0

So if you combine a normal with a hypo, that should produce some homozygous babies that equal 0.5(1 x 0.5 = 0.5) or hypo.

Now if you take an albino(0) and combine that with a hypo(0.5) you would get 0x0.5=0 or albino. In other words how can something that produces no melanin(albinism) produce something other than something with no melenin(or albino) when that particular gene is homozygous(the albinism gene that is), if you know what I mean...?

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