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Re: How does the 'Hybino' gene work...?

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Posted by Pondoris on March 15, 2003 at 15:53:28:

In Reply to: Re: How does the 'Hybino' gene work...? posted by Pondoris on March 15, 2003 at 15:38:59:

::Melanin IS being produced. . .or there would be no white.

::I hope I get these spellings correct:

::Yellow is produced by the pigment Xanthin
::Red is produced by Erythrin
::Black is produced by Melanin
::White is a result of no pigments being produced.

::No black means no melanin.

Also, I realize that the hypomelanistic gene and amelanistic gene are TOTATLLY different. . .but the hypos dont produce white where the black would be if the snake wasn't homozygous for the gene. . .it shows the background color. . .so why would a hybino not have the same affects. . .with the white?

:Ok you have a good point there. . .can you explain why the amelanistic gene would affect the appearance of the snake BEFORE the hypomelanistic gene would have a chance?


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