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Re: How does the 'Hybino' gene work...?

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Posted by rtdunham on March 15, 2003 at 22:22:23:

In Reply to: Re: How does the 'Hybino' gene work...? posted by Pondoris on March 15, 2003 at 14:42:42:

:Ok I have a question for you Terry: What leads you to believe "the hypo gene contributes no additional change visually"?
Maybe i didn't express it clearly enough. But if you re-read what i wrote, you'll see that i said it's confusing to wonder whether (pick up with the quote above)


"whether there are further effects to be considered".

So I wasn't saying there wouldn't be some effects from the hypo, i was saying one theory is there won't be, but it's also possible there will be, and that's what we're waiting to see. I then described what some of those changes might be if they occur. It's all speculative at this point.

And others have pointed out correctly that melanin doesn't "create" white, the absence of melanin simply reveals what other color is there: On some snakes, there's yellow "beneath" or concealed by the black, and when the black is removed the snake is yellow in those rings. This is apparent in some of my snows and in some albinos (amels) i've owned in the past.(see photo).

"Yellowing" is frequently an ontogenetic change, occurring as the snake ages, and is often seen in Hondurans (nelsoni, too). So the absence of black can reveal colors hidden by the black, on a very young snake, or the absence of black might reveal only white, which might become yellow over time.


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