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Deformities or Mutation????

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Posted by jeffmedley on May 08, 2003 at 12:38:06:

In Reply to: Explanation: Deformities Using Tremper Incubation Method posted by LeosAnonymous on May 08, 2003 at 10:22:26:

Here's my two cents on the matter. (And it may not even be worth that much.)

First a little background. I've taught human genetics, zoology, anatomy, and microbiology for the last 8 years. I have a Masters defree in microbiology and education. I know about leopard geckos as much as the next guy who spends way to much time researching on the internet, not the most valid research tool.... :)

Ok here we go. A mutation is an exchange, deletion or addition of DNA bases, typically caused by chemicals or radiation a.k.a a mutagen. I have never heard of incubation temps causing mutation as they are defined. What temperature can do is affect the development of tissues and cells at the cellular level, not the molecular level. The beginning of any animals gestation is the most important. Most body systems are well developed within the first third of gestation. The rest of the time is simply growing larger.

Not any knock on Ron Tremper, he did donate a very nice male gecko to my class, god bless the man. But he breeds thousands of geckos and has far more expertise than any of us.

So what is causing deformities in his incubation method. My theory, as lose as it is... Is that during the first few weeks the geckos body systems are being developed, Circulatory, and nervous first, quickly followed by digestive, respiratory,excretory and reproductive. Human sex is determined by the presense of a Y chromosome, geckos are regulated by temp. The systems are settling in at 80 degree developmental rates, and wham ... you jack the temp up smack dab in the middle of development and the systems are thrown for a loop. They are now developing much quicker. Proteins, enzymes and hormones that were once working to build tissue at 80 degrees are now inneffective at the new higher temps. They shut down , mistakes now occur and deformities ensue. Protein (enzymes) are very temperature dependant. Alter this and there will be problems.

Its my theory and I'm stickin with it.

Sorry for the bio lesson.



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