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temperature-sensitive mutation? Carins/de Lucia exp on Pol 1

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Posted by jeffmedley on May 08, 2003 at 15:33:39:

In Reply to: temperature-sensitive mutation? Carins/de Lucia exp on Pol 1 posted by SFgeckos on May 08, 2003 at 13:45:46:

:The study you are referring to (DNA Pol1) is in reguards to DNA Polymerase 1. Enzymes (protein) are affected by temperature. When doing PCR, enzymes had to be isolated from bacteria in hot water vents. This is the only enzyme naturally found in nature that can handle the increased temp needed for DNA fingerprinting and PCR. The study showed that proteins within these mutated cells were affected by temperature. The cells were already mutated by radiation and then shown that normal temps the cells survived but at increased temps the proteins failed and the cells died.

The big thing to know about mutation is that DNA is a molecule within the cell. Mutations affect the DNA, thus affecting the proteins produced by that cell. All expression, and I mean everything is directly linked to protein. DNA is only a written map to make protein. Temperature fluctuation will have no affect on DNA, but it will affect protein. Thus deformities are due to protein failure, lack of protein, etc. So the geckos are being deformed because heat shockinging them dirupts protein function, leading to physical deformity. I trully believe that if the gecko is heat shocked before its systems have fully developed, deformities are possible.

Jeff Medley

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