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Re: this is the BIG picture among many retailers....

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Posted by mchambers on November 14, 2002 at 10:01:07:

In Reply to: Re: Maybe it's just me, but...... posted by BGF on November 14, 2002 at 00:47:30:

all accross the country whether it's a pet store or the phone company. It's been in the media . I see it as a double issue here. While your girlfriend shouldn't have probably took it apon herself to do the stores' business, they in turn should of had signs on/posted if they allowed or not the handling of certain animals by the public and an apoligy or a more sensitive reaction to what happened. This is probably what you were looking for ! Of the several pet stores that i owned i HAD to post signs to keep me from lawsuits ! By all means Petco CAN stand another lawsuit. Of course it would be not of your best interest to pursue with this if the employee stated that she contested the handling though. Not only did we post signs of that nature but to the fact that certian animals didn't make the best pets ( hamsters ) and posted signs on steps/stairs, plus don't put fingers in bird cages. Even with this signage we had people trying to sue but all were always thrown out of court DUE to the signs. You know that Petco CAN make it as a animal-less retail. Some of their stores only sell tropical fish and the drygoods. The biggest sales of most of the super stores is drygoods like dog food ( the most retail section ), tropical fish supplies, and pet supplies ( dogs supplies again the most retail space allocated to sales ).


:A sensible approach.

:Talk to his boss and take it from there. Petco is very sensitive due to the bad press they repeatedly (and deserve) get.

:Take care

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