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Two things.....

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Posted by Kerby... on November 19, 2002 at 09:51:19:

In Reply to: Re: Lawyers would eat you up? posted by Sonya on November 14, 2002 at 20:08:37:

You can't sue AND WIN if you can't prove #1) physical damage in this case (hospital bill)- you can't be re-imbursed $$$ for something that didn't cost you anything (no hospital bill). If she went to the emergency room for treatment to ensure no infection, then they would be held liable for that bill$$ #2) you can sue for emotional pain (can't go near a rat now after this experience, bad dreams, had to have mental therapy, etc...)
This is where the large $$$ comes into affect. BUT............

Most large companies claim that they have never been sued BECAUSE they settle out of court and keep their record clean. This happens A LOT. Just like a mobster that has been arrested 40 times BUT never convicted, a clean record LOL

p.s. Not a PETsMART or Petco fan, they are pathetic!


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