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Re: Lawyers would eat you up?

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Posted by Sonya on November 14, 2002 at 20:08:37:

In Reply to: Lawyers would eat you up? posted by tj on November 14, 2002 at 14:23:59:

:What would make you say that? Do you think PETCO is bigger than McDonalds? If you think that matters, explain how some dumb@ss can get an eight figure settlement for spilling hot coffee on himself. Pick up a paper on any given day and you will see some of the ridiculous lawsuits people are getting millions for. So why is it you think a legitimate claim would get eaten up by Petco's "high powered" lawyers? If what had happened to her had happened the same way it was explained in here, there isn't a lawyer around that could possibly win.....except maybe Johnny Cochran, but we're not talking about murder, we're talking about a companies CONTINUING negligence.

I don't think it would ever get to court. I think it would be a matter of making yourself lie to them and say, "Gee, I didn't know rats would bite" and did the incident get officially reported at the store....'cause how are you gonna prove it happened there. Did it infect and cause any troubles?
What I personally think is that the manager was a bit stupid not to deal with it politely and maturely. But after that I don't see how this is a sue thing, or even that horrible. The actual caging is not something you can get bit through....if it is like the one here they are in locked drawers. And since no one can guarantee a living thing is not going to bite, I am just not seeing how this is their fault.

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