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Lawyers would eat you up?

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Posted by tj on November 14, 2002 at 14:23:59:

In Reply to: Re: this is the BIG picture among many retailers.... posted by Sonya on November 14, 2002 at 11:41:11:

What would make you say that? Do you think PETCO is bigger than McDonalds? If you think that matters, explain how some dumb@ss can get an eight figure settlement for spilling hot coffee on himself. Pick up a paper on any given day and you will see some of the ridiculous lawsuits people are getting millions for. So why is it you think a legitimate claim would get eaten up by Petco's "high powered" lawyers? If what had happened to her had happened the same way it was explained in here, there isn't a lawyer around that could possibly win.....except maybe Johnny Cochran, but we're not talking about murder, we're talking about a companies CONTINUING negligence.

: they in turn should of had signs on/posted if they allowed or not the handling of certain animals by the public
:Not only did we post signs of that nature but to the fact that certian animals didn't make the best pets ( hamsters ) and posted signs on steps/stairs, plus don't put fingers in bird cages. Even with this signage we had people trying to sue but all were always thrown out of court DUE to the signs.

:This always amazes me with people. Every pet store I've worked with has signs and there is always a nitwit or two a week getting blood drawn by a ferret, rat or bird. But they wouldn't dream of sticking their fingers in with the reptiles....and that is the least likely to hurt them.
: I agree about sueing .....Petco is big and their lawyers will eat you up. The only affect would be from a large petition signings or city action.

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