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Posted by Dryguy on March 29, 2003 at 10:54:36:

Age...Born in Spring of '98, so legit 5 yrs

Size...8/02 6'1"

Wt....8/02 4lbs 15 oz

Mated over 10 day period, several times from late Oct to early Nov..

Continued feeding and shedding well...

Pre-lay shed Feb 15th...

First egg Mar 1 st..
I don't have a prelay weight my bad, but let's just say she looked VERY healthy...

Ambient temp 74-78 degrees in snake room...

Heat gradiant in cage, but no basking light..

Water dish over another heat source for humidity...

Hide box...Did not use a laying medium for her...(moss,etc)Never have for any of my animals...

Bound up after 3rd egg...(24 hrs)

Warm soaks, lubrication and successful extraction of 4 additional eggs over next 24 hrs, by gentle manipulation that did not seem to stress her at all...

Two or 3 eggs left...Took her to my vet March 5th...3 eggs by flourosccopy left, not far down..

The rest I've already laid out...He was using drugs (oxytocin or vasotocin) every other day for about 8 days...A prostanglandin stimulation also..As well as Calcium and supportive care...

I will know more in the next week as he gets back from Cal meeting and does the autopsy...

Another question Rhody(my wife) brought up...Should we have left her alone and not moved the eggs down in hopes she would have just resorbed them??? Answers??? Carl

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