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Accident....You May Want To Read

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Posted by Dillon on August 17, 2002 at 20:42:00:

I accidently made a bad mistake. If you scroll down you might see my post asking about caring for eggs. Well the advice is no longer needed. I was down to about 2 good eggs left, when I decided to chack them. When I opened the lid on the container I saw that the sides on both were beginning to sink in. So I took them into the garage and cut them open thinking they were dead. The first egg I cut with a long cut from top to bottom, all I saw come out was yolk. The second I accidently cut only a small slit in the bottom of the egg, So I gently pushed on the other side and stuff started coming out. I was wondering why this far along they didn't even start to take form. It was then that an extremely small little Horned Lizard popped out. It was pink and about a centimeter long, It had little black dots for eyes. This made me feel all kinds of stuff, I knew it wasn't my fault because it was most likely a beginner's mistake. But I can't help but to feel bad, It could have grown into a hatchling and maybe farther. I then decided I would start being a little less cautious in removing "dead" eggs, should my attempts in breeding yield more eggs. I would also like you to know my HL's are going back where they belong The Wild, that is where they came from and that is where they should finish their long healthy lives.

Thanks for reading.

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