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Re: What do you suggest I do? Reply

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Posted by Dillon on August 19, 2002 at 12:29:03:

In Reply to: Re: What do you suggest I do? To gcsnelling posted by Les4toads on August 18, 2002 at 21:04:12:

I have posted what kind of HL's I have in previous posts. They are P. platyrhinos collected from Nevada. I am doing anything I can right now to take care of them. As you can see from earlier posts I am trying to do something so I can keep them. And as for the ant thing, if you can't setup a colony very easy Say That. And I never said I only wanted to buy a queen. I also asked for info on collecting them in the wild. Believe it or not this forum and most all you people in it do not help too much. All I get in reply to my desperate questions is a long paragraph on why HL's shouldn't be kept or the hazards of keeping them. They are found in the region where we were going to take them and I did not get them from a Pet Store. They came from the wild you people tell me to read previous posts for info and you don't even do it. I did read through every reply I have ever gotten in any forum. And you are correct your answers were not what I wanted to hear, I didn't want a bunch of BS on why I shouldn't do this or that. I wanted info on how I could try if I decided to do so. Your answers were of no help to me. I asked: How do you get a harvester ant queen? You replied along the lines of: It's too hard to try to setup a colony you shouldn't try. God Forbid I should experiment with starting a colony, If all of you failed I surly wouldn't do any better. If you read questions and reply, at least reply with helpful answers.

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