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HELP! Disaster with Superworms.........

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Posted by LindsayMarie on April 24, 2003 at 14:46:21:

I had made a bedding consisting of exactly, rolled oats, baby rice cereal, multi grain cheerios, wheat germ, unsalted sunflower seeds, dried green split peas, alfalfa blocks and tropical fish flakes. I ground it using a coffee grinder to a chunky powder, although it did feel a little oily from I believe the sunflower seeds? Anyways, I was going to use it for the superworms I had turn into beetles. After having the beetles in their for almost a week, they became sluggish, weak and dying! So I removed them and put them on just rolled oats. I decided not to let the bedding I made go to waste so I took the superworms out of the NASTY bedding I had them in (had planned to change their bedding anyway as it was getting moldy). Anyways, I put them in the bedding, a few seemed like they were dying, but most seemed ok. Now that was last night, today I look in there and at least 30-40 are dead and more dying!!! I dont know if it is because I have had them for months, or because the old bedding started to mold and was nasty looking and smelling or if it is my bedding!!!! I dont know what ingredient in the bedding would kill them??? Or maybe its the texture of the new bedding I made? I am so frustrated. I just killed several hundred worms! I feel horrible. Not to mention it hurts the pocket! I went out and spent 15-20 dollars on bedding material, enough for a couple months and now I cant use it! Plus the 10 dollars for all the worms I just killed and I just had to order more. Oh also, when I came home from vacation tuesday, there were a few dzen dead superworms in the older container with the old bedding. So I am confused! I have had some of these worms for many months and others we just bought last month, but they were pretty big! To be honest in the couple years I have been keeping worms I never had more then a couple die on me! I usually used them first or they just live for a long time! Its not normal to see this many dead! What can be wrong? What should I do? Is there anyway to salvage any of the ingredients I listed as I have some left over of everything! I have 1000 supers coming tomorrow in the mail and have no idea what to put them on now! ARGH!!!!!! ANy help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, LM

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