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Re: HERPS IN CLASSROOM please read...I just thought I'd like to share this w/you

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Posted by Esther on February 22, 1999 at 23:08:25:

In Reply to: Re: HERPS IN CLASSROOM please read...I just thought I'd like to share this w/you posted by ChrisD on February 22, 1999 at 17:29:54:

Why are beardies the "ultimate classroom pet"? In my humble opinion (and experience), GERBILS fill that role. Since I happen to breed gerbils, I always have a good supply of cute babies to show off. I'd like my gecko eggs (I think I have Cosymbotus platyurus) to hatch, but I'm not sure if they are fertile. Then I'd have cute baby lizards to show off, too! My female C.p. is quite gravid and should lay 2 more eggs any second now. The other C.p. never lays eggs, but is clearly subordinate to the female egg-layer. I really can't tell if the subordinate is a male or female. I'm also waiting for Francois (my male C. carolinensis) to breed Leonora, his little bride. I'd love to have baby anoles. As far as classroom pets in general, though, first you have to HAVE a classroom in which you stay all the academic day. I do not have a room solely assigned to ME, and Queens, NY schools are so overcrowded that we run 2 entire shifts of classes--10 periods of instruction/day! Therefore, even if I had only one room during the day, someone ELSE, of unknown sympathies, would be in the room while I'm not, and I'd fear for the animals' welfare. Kids have been known to do malicious things to classroom critters, and if the other teacher were not as vigilant as I am, or simply didn't care, I'd hate to see my "babies" hurt or stolen. Therefore, I must keep classroom pets on a visiting basis, from my own home. We DID have a 5 ft. iguana living in the lab, but he was a real pain to schlep into the classroom, as he had a nasty nervous habit of peeing on your shoulder!!

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