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Mouthrot in rattlesnakes

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Posted by Brendan on September 15, 2002 at 21:04:24:

Can anyone give me advice on how to treat this? I have two animals that appear to have mouthrot. I don't know for sure but symptoms include inflammation and redness of the mucosal lining of the mouth with some swelling of the sheath around the rangs. The animals hold their mouths open or partially open and I have seen puss in the mouth as well.
I have started using listerine in a syringe and wahing down the inside of the mouth, trying to remove and puss. I have quarantined the two animals in a very dry cage with only newspaper as bedding and a heat lamp on part of the time. One of these animals is also gravid and due at any time.
Anyone know if this sounds like mouthrot and if so how it usually starts? I assume since it is bacterial that it would be contagious, yes or no? What to do for prevention with other animals they may have come in contact with.

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