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How do you keep your colors???

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Posted by Aesear on May 05, 2003 at 17:33:07:

I had a pair of collards who were decently bright when I bought them but they steadily dropped color. I tried everything I could think of: suppliments, special lights, but nothing worked. They were really affectionate and active and had great appitites but they just got duller and duller. Finally I let them go on BLM land (I live in colorado and I let them go in an area where I knew there were collards nearby but not in the immediate territory). I believe they were both wild caught before they came to the petstore and so I think they probably thrived there. It was summer so they should have had no problem finding things to eat. I just felt terrible keeping them in a 20gal long tank, especially with the color draining away. how do you guys keep your guys so viberant? I would love to have collards again if I knew that they would stay bright and happy. Thanks for all your help.

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