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Heat Mat Question

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Posted by YvonneS on April 04, 2003 at 09:55:00:

Hi folks,

I actually posted this question to the corn sname forum before I noticed there was a beginner's forum, doh! I appreciate and have taken on board the answers I got from the corn snake folks, but since I got a couple of conflicting replies, I thought i'd try for a few more opinions :-)

Basically I'm looking into getting a corn snake (got my Corn Snake Manual and been checking out care sheets. My local reptile centre sells start up kits for hatchling corn snakes which include a wooden based vivarium and heat mat. My question is, is it safe to put a heat mat inside the viv, as underneath obviously wouldn't work...I'm corncerned about the mat or the thermostat malfunctioning and burning the snake, or the snake burrowing into the subsrtae and getting burned.I am also wondering how waterproof the things are in case any water from a bowl got onto the thing...I don't want a fried snake or my house to turn into a towering inferno!

Thanks for your help :-)


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